Social Studies
Social studies merge the subjects of history, geography, sociology and government. In the early grades, geography and cultural studies are used to build the child’s understanding of his place in the world. Throughout their time at the Yadkin Valley Community School, students learn about the physical, political and economic geography of all seven continents through maps, hands-on projects and research. In middle school, civics, governance and cultures are taught.
Montessori classrooms begin the study of history with the concept of time as it relates to the universe, the earth, and humans. Upper elementary and middle school students learn about world, US and North Carolina history.

Adolescents explore history in greater depth through inquiry based research.

The younger students love learning about animals! Their biome projects combine science and geography.

History is shared through stories and is based on contributions of all humanity. Middle schoolers built drums while studying Native American history.

Students go from the large to the small in a chronological order to build a world perspective.

Children in Lower and Upper Elementary enjoy the continent puzzle maps.

Visitors introduce students to careers related to geography and history.

History and geography are intertwined in this demonstration of the formation of the Bering Land Bridge.

While learning about Ancient Greece, the kids tried a post and lintel system for this architecture STEM challenge.

A large component of the social studies curriculum is understanding many cultures through food, art, traditions and daily life.